Get To Know Your Dedicated BVCFA Executive Volunteers

Your Executive Team Can

  • Help you engage with other faculty in an academic and professional community.
  • Advance and promote your concerns at the College and provincial level.
  • Advocate for your rights according to our Collective Agreement.

  • Represent you with the College, the Board and the community.
  • Negotiate on your behalf with the College.

  • Facilitate onsite Professional Development opportunities.

  • Promote the independence and freedom of academic thought and teaching.

Your Executive Team Can:

  • Help you engage with other faculty in an academic & professional community.

  • Advance and promote your concerns at the College & provincial level.

  • Advocate for your rights according to our Collective Agreement.

  • Represent you with the College, the Board & the community.

  • Negotiate on your behalf with the College.

  • Facilitate onsite Professional Development opportunities.

  • Promote the independence and freedom of academic thought & teaching.

Executives and Employees of BVCFA are here for you

If you have any questions about BVCFA or general questions about your employment, reach out to any of the Executives.

Contact information is found below

Matt Kriz


School of Arts & Sciences

Matt Kriz teaches English and Women and Gender Studies for the School of Community Studies. His classrooms see students from across the college’s career programs. Matt has been VP of Operations since June of 2018.

The President is the chair of the Executive Committee. This position presides over all Faculty Association meetings and presents the annual report at the BVCFA Annual General Meeting.

The President is responsible for the approval of Executive Meeting agendas. As the spokesperson for the Faculty Association, the President is responsible for all official correspondence.

The BVCFA President is responsible for interpreting and applying the Constitution and the development and implementation of Faculty Association policies and procedures, as directed by the Executive Committee.

Financial accountabilities of the President include countersigning approved cheques, managing financial documents, and approving financial transactions. The President supervises employees of the Faculty Association. This position is a 2-year term.

Kristy Calles

VP of Operations

Chiu School of Business

Kristy Calles has been a proud faculty member of BVC since 2012 and is currently a program chair with the Chiu School of Business. Before, her background was in operations management, leading a vast team of employees throughout Canada and the United States. Kristy completed her MBA in 2022 while teaching and homeschooling her children due to COVID-19. If she knows anything it’s how to pivot and operate under conflicting deadlines. In addition, Kristy is ending her two-year term as a faculty representative for the Academic Council. Kristy strongly believes that being the VP of Operations for BVCFA allows for impactful decision-making that directly benefits two essential stakeholders of Bow Valley College – our valued faculty and diverse student body. Kristy hopes to further contribute to fostering a conducive environment for academic excellence and organizational growth within our faculty.

The VP of Operations provides support to the Labour Relations Officer, shall carry out the President’s duties in their absence, and is responsible for logistical strike preparedness. The time commitment of this role can vary but will typically require approximately 6 hours a month.

The Vice President of Operations consults with and provides support to the Labour Relations Officer. The VP of Operations acts as the Labour Relations Officer and carries out the President’s duties in their absence. If the President position becomes vacant, the VP of Operations assumes the office until a by-election can be held. They are a voting Member of the Executive.

BVCFA’s VP of Operations oversees the creation of ethics or a mediation committee should an internal dispute arise or at the request of the Membership.

The VP of Operations is responsible for logistical strike preparedness. They are empowered to countersign approved cheques, manage financial documents and oversee financial transactions. This position is a two-year term.

Phil Flegel

VP of Negotiations

School of Technology

Phil joined the School of Technology team in the spring of 2018 after 17 years of teaching graphics, media design, and communications at the college and university levels. Phil holds a Master’s degree in integrated studies and a Bachelor of Education in Arts. Additionally, Phil has worked as a freelance designer for both profit and non-profit industries. Phil has been a Member of the BVCFA Negotiation Committee since September 2020, first representing the School of Technology, and later becoming Vice President of Negotiations for BVCFA.

The Vice President of Negotiations chairs the Faculty Associations Negotiations Committee (FANC). They are an advisor to the Executive Committee and Membership on all matters concerning the negotiations and interpretation of the Collective Agreement. They are a voting Member of the Executive.

This role is responsible for organizing, coordinating, and directing the activities of the Faculty Association Negotiations Committee and the negotiations team.

The VP of Negotiations consults with the VP of Operations and the Labour Relations Officer on matters of grievance and the Collective Agreement. They receive and interpret communication from the Labour Relations Officer regarding grievance statistics and information as it pertains to opportunities relevant to negotiations.

They are empowered to countersign approved cheques, manage financial documents and oversee financial transactions. The VP of Negotiations also submits an annual proposed budget to the Treasurer for the Negotiating Committee. This position is a two-year term serving no more than 3 consecutive or non-consecutive terms.

Charlotte Beaubier

VP of Professional Affairs

School of Global Access

Charlotte joined BVCFA as the new VP of Professional Affairs in January 2022, she is a wonderful addition to the BVCFA executive team.

Charlotte has been an instructor in the School of Global Access for 23 years where she currently teaches in the full-time academic LINC program teaching English to adult newcomers. Over the past 23 years, she has sat on many committees, but most recently she has worked to facilitate the professional development community of practice for the SGA where she scheduled the professional development for the department 3 times a year and often presented as well. She is currently sitting on the Curriculum Review Committee also for SGA.

The Vice President of Professional Affairs chairs the Faculty Association Professional Affairs Committee (PAC) and represents the Faculty Association’s view to College stakeholders on faculty professional affairs.

This role regularly reports to the Executive Committee and the General Membership on matters of professional affairs considered by the college committee(s) on faculty development. They are a voting Member of the Executive.

They are empowered to countersign approved cheques, manage financial documents and oversee financial transactions. The VP of Professional Affairs also submits an annual proposed budget to the Treasurer for the Professional Affairs Committee. This position is a two-year term.

Dara MacKay

VP of Communications & Engagement

School of Global Access

Dara is an instructor in the School of Global Access (SGA), where she teaches Youth in Transition, an English and academic training program geared toward young adults. Dara has been at Bow Valley College since 2013 and sits on the Pride Week Committee and the Curriculum Review Committee for SGA.

The Vice President of Communications & Engagement cultivates awareness of opportunities and engages faculty membership. These goals are achieved through in-person, website/blog, and social media communication.

They seek out content and contributors and source swag, giveaways, and donations for Member events. Alongside the Office Manager, this individual works to promote the Annual General Meeting, the General Meeting, and the Year-End Social.

The VP of Communication & Engagement communicates with the Executive Committees and Faculty Members to gain an understanding of their activities. Then, they work to promote upcoming events and professional development opportunities for Members. They are a voting Member of the Executive.

They are empowered to countersign approved cheques, manage financial documents and oversee financial transactions. The VP of Communication & Engagement also submits an annual proposed budget to the Treasurer. This position is a two-year term.

Lindsey Marofke


Chiu School of Business

Lindsey is an instructor at the Chiu School of Business where she teaches courses in accounting and tax. She has been with Bow Valley College since 2016. She is an experienced accounting professional with a passion for teaching and sharing her knowledge with the next generation of accounting hopefuls.

Lindsey has experience as a board treasurer as she spent a few years volunteering as the Treasurer for Bobsleigh Alberta and is currently the treasurer for the parents association at her son’s school. Her experience includes compiling the annual budgets, reviewing financial transactions, creating the annual report, and presenting to the board members. Lindsey is committed to being a trusted member of the Bow Valley College Faculty Association.

The Treasurer compiles budgets provided by the Executive Committee and presents a preliminary budget to the Executive for approval. The Treasurer, along with the Office Manager, reviews financial transactions and ensures completeness before the annual third-party audit. The Treasurer presents the financial reports and the third-party audit results to the Executive before the Annual General Meeting.

Alongside the Office Manager, the Treasurer is responsible for creating the annual report and presenting findings to the Faculty Association Membership at the Annual General Meeting. The Treasurer also presents for ratification of the proposed budget at the Annual General Meeting.

They assist the Office Manager with research and implementation of best practices and procedures. If requested, the Treasurer provides information to the Membership regarding current financial standing.

The Treasurer is empowered to countersign approved cheques, manage financial documents and oversee financial transactions. They are a voting Member of the Executive. This position is a two-year term.

Penny Marcotte

Past Executive

School of Foundational Learning

Penny Marcotte is an instructor in the School of Foundational Learning, where she has spent two decades working with students in math, science, and computers. In recent years, she has become an active member of the Bow Valley College Faculty Association, serving on the Academic Council, the Professional Affairs Committee, and as Vice President of Negotiations. In the spring of 2023, she completed her second term as President.

Penny is committed to consulting with faculty on essential matters, such as strengthening language in the Collective Agreement and advocating for improvements in workload policy.

This position represents previous executive experience and acts as an advisor to the Executive, the President, and the Faculty Association. The Past Executive chairs the election committee and they are a voting Member of the Executive. This term is typically one year, following their time on the Executive Committee.

Flora Mahdavi

Board of Governors Representative

Centre for Academic Innovation

Dr. Flora Mahdavi has been a Learning Design Consultant at Bow Valley College (BVC) since 2012. In this role, with the objectives of educational development and improving the teaching and learning experiences across the college, she has worked with every school and many faculty groups on various projects that have involved research and exploration, training and support, design and development, and implementation of strategic programming. In all her work, she has strived to understand and promote the instructor’s perspectives. She believes that care and intentional facilitation of competent instructors are necessary for meaningful, effective learning to happen.

 Flora has been an engaged member of the BVC Faculty Association since she joined in 2012. From September 2018 to June 2020, she served as the vice-chair and then chair of the BVC Academic Council. Representing the FA, she has also been on the steering committee for developing the Faculty Development Process between 2019 and 2021. An alumnus of the University of Calgary’s Werklund School of Education, her graduate degrees are in Educational Technology and Learning Sciences.

The Board of Governors representative is a faculty elected, non-voting Member of the Executive Committee, pursuant of the Post-Secondary Learning Act, and is recommended to the Minister by the FA president and Board of Governors to serve as the Faculty Member on the Board.

This position reports to Executive meetings on deliberations of the Board as they affect the Faculty Association’s interests. The Board of Governors Representative acts as a faculty representative on the Board, promoting Association and faculty interests.

The Board of Governors Representative is elected for a term up to three years and, according to the Constitution, shall not serve for more than two terms or six consecutive years.

Yolanda Watson

Academic Council Chair

School of Community Studies

Yolanda is the Program Chair for the Social Work and Addiction Studies programs. She joined Bow Valley College in 2017 and has been in various roles as an instructor, practicum coordinator, and faculty supervisor for both programs. She is eager to be part of the Faculty Association as she is passionate about supporting colleagues in feeling safe, included, and supported at the College. She is a fierce advocate in the community and for her fellow faculty members at Bow Valley College.

The Academic Council Chair reports updates on the Academic Council to the Executive Committee. This role acts as chair of the Faculty Caucus on Academic Council and represents the Faculty Caucus on the Executive Committee. This individual is a voting Member of the Executive. This role is a two-year term.

*All volunteer executive positions are entitled to a bi-annual honorarium in recognition of your efforts and generosity. Thank you!

** Some circumstances will require a pro-rated honorarium.

Labour Relations

The primary responsibility of the Labour Relations position is to uphold collective rights and manage grievances from initiation to resolution with confidentiality, ensuring a fair, unbiased, and neutral approach throughout the process. The primary responsibility of the Labour Relations position is to uphold collective rights and manage grievances from initiation to resolution with confidentiality, ensuring a fair, unbiased, and neutral approach throughout the process.

Lindsay Fairbrother

Office Manager

Lindsay is the Office Manager for the Faculty Association and is always happy to help however possible. She is responsible for the day-to-day operation of the Faculty Association office and provides support as needed to the Association Members and Executives.

* Lindsay is generally in the office 9:30 am – 2:30 pm Monday through Thursday.

**Check the calendar for closures and changes.

This key role involves a diverse array of senior-level responsibilities, from financial management to communication, membership management, and event coordination. Essentially, the Office Manager takes care of the many behind-the-scenes requirements such as bookkeeping, payroll, audit requirements, meeting management, emails, website updates, and social activities among many others.

The Executive Team plays a significant role in protecting the interests of the Collective Members.

Select Executive opportunities & when they come up for re-election:

  • President: 2-year term. Odd years.
  • VP of Operations: 2-year term. Even years.
  • VP of Negotiations: 2-year term. Even years.
  • VP of Professional Affairs: 2-year term. Odd years.
  • VP of Communications & Engagement: 2-year term. Even years.
  • Treasurer: 2-year term. Odd years.
  • Past Executive: 1 year (following term).
  • Board of Governors Representative: 3-year term.
  • Academic Council Chair: 2-year term.

To learn more about BVCFA Executive Positions, download this PDF outlining the responsibilities of each role.

There are many fulfilling ways to get involved with the BVCFA!

Academic Council Representative

Academic Council Representatives are Members who participate in monthly meetings. Accountabilities consist of management, faculty, and student representatives to discuss policies that pertain to college-wide issues such as admissions and selection. All decisions approved at Academic Council are passed on and given final approval by the Board of Governors. This role is a 2- year term. 7 positions are available in total with 3 positions opening in even years and 4 positions opening in odd years.

Academic Council Representative

Academic Council Representatives are Members who participate in monthly meetings. Accountabilities consist of management, faculty, and student representatives to discuss policies that pertain to college-wide issues such as admissions and selection. All decisions approved at Academic Council are passed on and given final approval by the Board of Governors. This role is a 2- year term. 7 positions are available in total with 3 positions opening in even years and 4 positions opening in odd years.


A Member-at-Large is an unofficial Member of all faculty Association committees. They are a non-voting Member of the Executive Committee. This role reports to the President or the VP of the committee in which they are involved. Each Member-at-Large serves a 1-year term. 3 positions are available.

Reasons to Get Involved

Influence how the BVCFA works

Help improve BVCFA policies and decision-making

Involvement is an excellent addition to your resume

Grow your skill set and gain valuable professional skills

Expand your network by making cross-departmental connections

Make a memorable contribution to the college community

Thank you in advance for considering the ways you can contribute your talents and expertise towards this fulfilling cause.

Our past and present Executives will tell you that acting in this capacity is highly rewarding. Executive Members who volunteer in these positions are gifted small honorariums in thanks for their committee work.