Get To Know Your Dedicated BVCFA Executive Volunteers
Your Executive Team Can
Your Executive Team Can:
Executives and Employees of BVCFA are here for you
If you have any questions about BVCFA or general questions about your employment, reach out to any of the Executives.
Contact information is found below

Matt Kriz
School of Arts & Sciences

Kristy Calles
VP of Operations
Chiu School of Business

Phil Flegel
VP of Negotiations
School of Technology

Charlotte Beaubier
VP of Professional Affairs
School of Global Access

Dara MacKay
VP of Communications & Engagement
School of Global Access

Lindsey Marofke
Chiu School of Business

Penny Marcotte
Past Executive
School of Foundational Learning

Flora Mahdavi
Board of Governors Representative
Centre for Academic Innovation

Yolanda Watson
Academic Council Chair
School of Community Studies
Labour Relations

Lindsay Fairbrother
Office Manager
The Executive Team plays a significant role in protecting the interests of the Collective Members.
Select Executive opportunities & when they come up for re-election:
- President: 2-year term. Odd years.
- VP of Operations: 2-year term. Even years.
- VP of Negotiations: 2-year term. Even years.
- VP of Professional Affairs: 2-year term. Odd years.
- VP of Communications & Engagement: 2-year term. Even years.
- Treasurer: 2-year term. Odd years.
- Past Executive: 1 year (following term).
- Board of Governors Representative: 3-year term.
- Academic Council Chair: 2-year term.
To learn more about BVCFA Executive Positions, download this PDF outlining the responsibilities of each role.
There are many fulfilling ways to get involved with the BVCFA!
Academic Council Representative
Academic Council Representatives are Members who participate in monthly meetings. Accountabilities consist of management, faculty, and student representatives to discuss policies that pertain to college-wide issues such as admissions and selection. All decisions approved at Academic Council are passed on and given final approval by the Board of Governors. This role is a 2- year term. 7 positions are available in total with 3 positions opening in even years and 4 positions opening in odd years.
Academic Council Representative
Academic Council Representatives are Members who participate in monthly meetings. Accountabilities consist of management, faculty, and student representatives to discuss policies that pertain to college-wide issues such as admissions and selection. All decisions approved at Academic Council are passed on and given final approval by the Board of Governors. This role is a 2- year term. 7 positions are available in total with 3 positions opening in even years and 4 positions opening in odd years.
A Member-at-Large is an unofficial Member of all faculty Association committees. They are a non-voting Member of the Executive Committee. This role reports to the President or the VP of the committee in which they are involved. Each Member-at-Large serves a 1-year term. 3 positions are available.
Reasons to Get Involved
Influence how the BVCFA works
Help improve BVCFA policies and decision-making
Involvement is an excellent addition to your resume
Grow your skill set and gain valuable professional skills
Expand your network by making cross-departmental connections
Make a memorable contribution to the college community
Thank you in advance for considering the ways you can contribute your talents and expertise towards this fulfilling cause.