Expense Reimbursement Request Form

Reasonable subsistence expenses on actual cost basis upon submission of appropriate receipts; otherwise a maximum of $100 per diem may be claimed based on; Breakfast $15, Lunch $20, Dinner $50, Incidentals $15 – CRA Link. Mileage is reimbursed at a rate of $0.68/km – CRA Link.


All signers of this form MUST be logged into the BVCFA members’ area of the website before filling out the form then proceed by following the step-by-step instructions.

Guide to the form:

  1. IMPORTANT: You must be logged-in to the website to view this form and to add your signature/initials when it’s your turn to add them for it to function correctly.
  2. After the person requesting reimbursement signs the form, please scroll down and select the “Save & Continue Later” option.
  3. Email yourself OR copy the link to the form, and then send it to an authorized executive.
  4. As the second authorized executive signs the form, they also select “Save & Continue Later” and send the link to the office manager.
  5. Once the office manager signs and completes the form, they click Submit button.

"*" indicates required fields

Check payable to*

Expenses Information

Date of Expense Vendor Reason Per Diem? Unit Rate (in CAD$) Total Expenses in CAD$ Attach invoices and receipts (proof of payments) Actions

I hereby certify that the whole of the expenditure was incurred on Bow Valley College Faculty Association business and that the amounts claimed have not been previously been paid to me or on my behalf.

Clear Signature
Name of person being reimbursed*
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Clear Signature
Name of Authorized Executive*
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Clear Signature
Name of Authorized Executive*
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Clear Signature
Name of Office Manager*
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.